CEE Calendar

Get the Calendar on your phone

iPhone Users:

Open this page on your phone.
Go to your phone’s settings, then to Calendar, then to Accounts.
Tap Add account, then Other, then Add Subscribed Calendar.
Paste this link into the box: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/cee%40emanuelsb.org/public/basic.ics
Tap Done.

Android Users:

(This process is best done on a PC or Mac. Once you do it, the information should flow to your phone.)

Open this link and copy the URL.
Go to calendar.google.com.
Click the Plus Sign (+) next to “Other Calendars.”
Choose “From URL.”
Paste in the URL you have copied.
Click the Blue “Add Calendar” button.

The calendar should show up in your phone within 5 minutes.